HEYLP! Calling all filthy hippies of Austin! i dun wandered on to campus this weekend and seen a few a them kiosks to put mah flyers on. hopefully none of them filthy hippies will tryn' grab hold of Edward Von Snugglepuss and tryn' halewcinate by lickin' his back...he AINT NO AMAZONIAN RAIN FOREST FROG YOU CAN JUST LICK AND EXPECT TO GET HIGH. you'll get high alright...high as a fox. high as a dead fox. remember, Edward VON Snugglepuss is VERY RARE and VERY DEADLY!!! if you see him, call animal control immediately!!!
Pee S. Why do they call it a CAMPus if US can't camp there!??!?!?!?!?!?!
and remember. please.