Friday, October 17, 2008

Hand Turkey Hank!!!

Lend a hand y'all.

In tha spirut of thanksgivin' (which y'all KNOW is a comin' shortly after devilween), heeylp!!!

Mah dear friend, Hand Turkey Hank dun gone missin' again!

The furst time he went missin' I couldn't bare to look at mah own hands fer a week (needless to say, they were NOT washed fer them 7 days neither).

Y'all pleaze heylp me find Hand Turkey Hank, but as temptin' as it may be fer that handsome reward, do NOT go a cuttin' yer own hands off and try to pretend you found him...

I ain't know scientist, but I DO know what is and what is NOT a Hand Turkey.

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